The Pokémon Trading Card Game (Japanese: ポケモンカードゲーム) is a tabletop game that involves collecting, trading and playing with Pokémon themed playing cards.
(Originally published in Japan in October 1996, is now counting over 34.1 billion Pokémon cards produced worldwide in 13 languages, and being sold in 76 countries and regions.)
Common Uncommon Rare Promo
Reverse Holo
These cards are foil on every part of the card except the illustration. This only changes the physical appearance of the card and does not change its rarity or collector card number.
Rare Holo cards have a black star and a foil illustration. In many English sets, for every rare holo card there is another card at a lower rarity that is identical in terms of gameplay, but has a different collector card number.
Ultra Rare cards are foil and feature a specific game mechanic and/or appearance that distinguishes them from Rare Holo cards. There are many types of Ultra Rare cards, including:
Pokémon ex
Pokémon Star
Pokémon LV.X
Pokémon LEGEND
Pokémon Prime
Secret Rare cards have a collector number higher than the advertised number of cards in the set. They are usually foil with a unique appearance. Like Rare Holo cards, in many sets for each Secret Rare card there is another card at a lower rarity that is identical in terms of gameplay but has a different collector card number.
Basic Pokémon represent the most basic evolutionary stage. Pokémon that evolve from a Pokémon released in a later generation, such as Electabuzz or Pikachu, always are basic Pokémon, despite being the second Pokémon in their own evolutionary lines.
Stage 1 Pokémon represent evolution stages of Basic Pokémon and the basic stage of many Fossil Pokémon.
Stage 2 Pokémon represent the final evolutionary forms of Pokémon.
Pokémon V are a variant of Pokémon introduced in the Sword & Shield expansion. Pokémon V work very similarly Pokémon-EX, they possess considerably higher HP and stronger attacks compared to their regular counterparts. When a Pokémon V is knocked out, the opponent takes two Prize cards instead of one. All Pokémon V are Basic Pokémon.
Pokémon VMAX introduces the Dynamax, Gigantamax and Eternamax mechanics into the Trading Card Game. These cards are identified by the VMAX graphic on the card name. Pokémon VMAX evolve from its respective Pokémon V, giving them boosted Hit Points (so far, the biggest HPs in a Pokémon card) and more powerful attacks. When a VMAX Pokémon is knocked out, the opponent takes three Prize cards instead of one. Pokémon VMAX are still considered Pokémon V when interacting with certain card effects.
| • Dark | • Light | • Owner's Pokémon | • BREAK | • Shining | • δ Delta Species |
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